
面膜 FM001 ~ FM 005

任选哦!!!3 片 RM 10

BI-WHITE 补水--- FM001(缺货)

主要成分:透明质酸,百合, 海藻,鳄梨,玫瑰精华等.
Main ingredients: hyaluronic acid, lily ,algae,avocado, rose essence and etc.

功效:以磁性吸附原理将保湿成份紧紧锁在肌肤内, 强化自生的存水能力,解决肌肤缺水问题,如干纹,细纹,粗糙,脱皮等,帮助肌肤保湿润度达到极佳的平衡线,远离干粗糙的肌肤,更加水嫩柔润。

Efficacy: Seal the moisturing ingredients in the skin tightly with magnetism adsord theory,stengthem ability of storage water, settle the problems of lacking water like dryline, fine line, coarseness, shedding and etc,help moisteness of skin reach into excellent balance pipe, keep aways form dryness and coarseness , skin is more tender ans moistening.


羊胎素+ 新鲜果汁精华( Sheep Placenta + Fruit juice Essence) FM002 (缺货)


Supplement moisture and bring white and tender skin.

24K 活性金 (The Active Golden ) FM003

消炎止痘(Phlegm - Eliminating & anti Acne)

Remove phlegm expel toxin and eliminate acne.

玫瑰果 (Rose Fruit) FM 004(缺货)

功效:促进胶原蛋白的合成以及表面细胞的生长,分裂, 加快细胞的更新速度,修护老化的胶原纤维与弹性纤维,增进肌肤弹性;深层补水并锁住水分流失,全面滋润肌肤,均匀肤色,瞬间呈现亮白肌肤;天然温和玫瑰果精华,对肌肤无任何刺激,周全呵护肌肤每个细胞,焕发肌肤新生光彩。

深海鱼子 (Deep Sea Roe) FM 005(缺货)

独特的深海鱼子精华能速度渗透至肌肤底层为肌肤重新注入能量, 重组弹性胶原纤维组织,抚平肌肤皱纹;浓缩丰富营养成分,为肌肤注入充足养分,散发肌肤青春光彩与活力;提高皮肤内部张力与弹性,由内而外减少并平整肌肤纹理,改善松弛,提高皮肤紧致度。